I have always been a linux supporter -- For the main reasons of stability, speed, etc.
But I feel like I am unjustified being biased against windows. The main reasons for my dislike being Microsoft's monopoly and business techniques, unstability and security problems.
I have always been surrounded by linux supporters, and until recently, I have come across windows-supporters. So I guess I have been following the linux bandwagon.
Before I go out and voice "my" opinions about how linux is better, I would like to hear from the windows supporters, about why they support windows -- despite it's flaws. Linux supporters, feel free to comment. I will try to keep as open a mind as I can muster; I ask that any commentators please do the same.

-Soral 3.0

silence is golden. Maybe no-one loves Microsoft....
Anyway, I don't love them, but I use them for the following reasons:
1) I can't figure out how to install stuff in linux.
2) My fave graphics program (PSP8) isn't available for linux, and the GIMP doesn't have a background removal tool.
As a more general point I would say that there is less of the big dealers in software writing for linux.
3) All my customers files are microsoft, so for reasons of simplicity Office is our chosen suite.
4) html-kit (the world's #1 editor) isn't available for linux.
5) I don't know how to configure linux e.g. to use a router to access the internet.

I've been using windows for the last 8 years or so (i.e. since I was 10), so I know where everything is, how to tweak it, and how to press the reset button.

Also my mum would complain she couldn't use the pc if I didn't have a multiboot with windows.

Does that help?

I use Linux and there is definitely a big learning curve. I have a dual boot system with Mandrake 9.2. I usually will run Linux when I have nothing better to do. I am a strong believer that Linux will take over the market for more reasons than I care to talk about. For these untold reasons, I will keep playing with Linux until I become proficient enough with it to make it my main operating system. I have been using Microsoft since Windows 3.11 and maybe that is why I find Linux so confusing. Therefore, I say Linux may be a better operating system but this point it is still to confusing for the average computer user who just wants to play games and share word documents and such.

Since this thread is of the "comments and opinions" sort, and does not concern a technical problem/question with Win NT/2000/XP/2003, I'm moving it to the Geek's Lounge.

I put this thread in the windows section in hopes that the thread will be viewed by the adamant microsoft supporters who frequent there. Yeah, this thread did not belong in the tech help section, but I knew that the chances of this thread being viewed by the windows supporters in the lounge would be slim.

-Soral 3.0

I understand, but our posting guidelines are pretty clear about what content belongs in which forums, and the techical forums are for resolution of technical questions and problems.

Also, concerning the following:

I put this thread in the windows section in hopes that the thread will be viewed by the adamant microsoft supporters who frequent there

No offence meant at all, but what's really the point? The whole "merits of Windows vs. Linux" issue is a horse which has been flogged to death countless times over. Personally, I use both operating systems pretty heavily- I know them both very well, and both have their strong and weak points. However, "which OS is better"-type questions are highly subjective, and as such, you'll only get a million or so different opinions if you ask that type of question.

I'm not going to get into this whole debate; like in did in another thread.

Use Linux if you want to use Linux, use Windows if you want to use Windows, and if you want neither, get a Mac.

You're OS choice isn't like a life or death decision; it's a decsion of personal prefrence.

Well, now I am feeling sorry that I ever wasted thread space.
I guess I didn't make my initial thread post very clear.
My stance -- I like linux better than windows.
Why? -- boils down to following the linux bandwagon. (You know, the "Down with Microsoft" deal)
I wanted to hear out a microsoft supporter of why they like microsoft.
I have never met a person who would openly declare "I LIKE MICROSOFT, AND BILL GATES IS HOT!" (yes I live in a cave w/ an internet connection.)

ok.I reiterate -- What I hoped to get from this thread, is humble opinion of a microsoft supporter why they well, support microsoft.

I did not want to discriminate against windows the same way the white majority of Americans did against negros back then. -- By growing up hearing about how they are inferior and having it bred into them.

That is how I think I grew to dislike windows. I grew up around linux supporters and have only their opinion to hear. I wish to hear microsoft's side -- from real people.

Sorry for the confusion and the misplacement of the thread.

-Soral 3.0

btw thanks for replying Tekmaven™. :)

I am a linux supporter, but, I don't think Microsoft's operating systems are too bad. If you're just learning computers and you need a graphical envronment, Windows is perfect. But, if you're looking for speed, stability, and good security, Linux is the way to go.

I have always been a linux supporter -- For the main reasons of stability, speed, etc.
But I feel like I am unjustified being biased against windows. The main reasons for my dislike being Microsoft's monopoly and business techniques, unstability and security problems.
I have always been surrounded by linux supporters, and until recently, I have come across windows-supporters. So I guess I have been following the linux bandwagon.
Before I go out and voice "my" opinions about how linux is better, I would like to hear from the windows supporters, about why they support windows -- despite it's flaws. Linux supporters, feel free to comment. I will try to keep as open a mind as I can muster; I ask that any commentators please do the same.

-Soral 3.0

Microsoft is slowly regaining my respect. Their Windows Media Player software does exactly what it's supposed to do (most of the time) with little fuss, and their Train Simulator program was excellent.

Windows NT 4.0 was a good thing. Windows XP Home is not. They're a big company, and obviously have been built using different divisions. The main OS division is out of touch with what a user needs in a basic OS. (I need more than just "limited" permissions so I don't have to run around as "admin" to do something. It's called security.)

I am a student and if i didnt play games and have to use goddamn ms access and have windows for my college vpn then i would use linux more (i love debian)

:) i was a linux ubuntu user but after installing it & trying to learn to navigate through it i was :confused: flabbergasted. i took it off & reinstalled xp pro on it . i have enough problems fixing windows problems.its better to navigate through. i've been told if you sick w/ linux i would get the hang of it. maybe when i get my 120gb maxtor hdd in i bought i'll do a ntfs & partition it on another drive & just play around w/ it.:cool:

try debian - its the daddy of ubuntu
less eye candy but MUCH faster and more slick

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