Last week Microsoft made available for download the latest IIS SEO toolkit Beta, another part of the larger Microsoft Web Platform Strategy. The three components are a Site Analysis Module, Robot Exclusion module and a Sitemaps and Site Indexes module. Microsoft states that the toolkit beta will

1. Improve website traffic volume and quality coming from search engines
2. Provide control on how search engines access and display web content
3. Informs search engines about indexable locations

While the implied value of the toolkit is obvious can anyone provide first hand knowledge of real value achieved. Obviously, with the toolkit only being available for 7 days results may not be available yet but if you could speak of the usability of the toolkit that would be helpful.

Nice info it will be useful to all seo person

can u giv me link in that tools

Well, I've not used this tool kit ... This is the first time i heard about it.

Does it ship with the IIS ?

Thanks for sharing that, I'll have a look on this. :)

here is the URL

As it is still in Beta and readily available as a download I doubt it is in any of the latest copies of IIS that are going out the door.

I meant to post this earlier but I read a few days ago that Microsoft put out a PDF with SEO advice for the Bing Search engine. Has anyone seen it and read it. It would be good if we could provide the forum with a quick review of this doc.

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