Actually after how many days Google gives a page rank of a website...????For many days i am not getting my site's Google rank.....How will i know that Google crawl my site or not?

It all depends about the good quality, traffic and backlinks of your website that your page rank will increase.

As far as I can tell Google has not updated its Toolbar PageRank for almost a year.

Don't get too tied up with Toolbar PageRank. It's rarely updated and when done, considered already out of date.

Monitor progress through something more solid like traffic, leads, sales etc.

To find out if Google has crawled your site, register it with Google Webmaster Tools, which will provide you with details on what Google has indexed on your website.

It all depends about the good quality, traffic and back links of your website that your page rank will increase.

thanks for your information...But already my site's back link is 2000+.... Even though Google is not increasing it's ranking.

However, you should consider around one week for crawling and indexing, Google takes I think one week to crawl new content from site..

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