Which are the important aspects to keep in mind while creating a website that can help making a crawl able website? My previous websites are not crawled by Google. I have created those websites by using Wordpress.

Make sure you have submitted your website in google webmaster.
Integrate the sitemap and verify it in webmaster tools
Submit your website to various search engines.
Use the robots syntax in the header tag of the website.

Atfirst submit your site on googlr webmaster and veryfy them. submit your site all search engine site.

As the two prior posters answered
Google will evetuaqlly find your site once an indexed site creates a link to it
which takes time
Get a Google webmaster account
submit your xml sitemap there are wordpress plugins to create sitemaps directly from content.
then follow the directions given by google to solve problems in your site

Wordpress sites are usually easily indexed by google, but google has to know it exists

First of all, verify your site on google webmaster. Write descriptive and unique content about product or services that page displays. Submit URL on different search rngine for crawl and index.

If you are using wordpress make sure that you unchecked the option "Discourage search engines" on reading settings. Also make sure that robots.txt isn't block your important webpages. You can submit xml sitemap to google for better crawling. "Fetch as Google" option is available on google webmaster tools to crawl pages manually.

While development keep in mind following things:
Search engine friendly URL's
.htaccess is not blocking search engine bot. Sometimes, wrong code may block your site from being indexed.

After development, do at least following thing:
Share your website in social network
Post a worthy comment in busy blog

If you follow them, you don't have to worry for indexing.

Well, inorder to make your site more visible to the search engine you need to make sure that you have submitted sitemap in your Google webmaster tool, this will help the Google spiders in knowing where the things are placed. Once you submited the sitemap in the Google webmaster tool, use you fetch as Google option and submit your site for indexing.

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