Hello Guys,
i knew about flash content, which is not seo friendly, but some people said to me that using iframe itself cause seo.

As per google guidelines , it is better to have less number of iframes for a website since it could affect the seo process.

As per google guidelines , it is better to have less number of iframes for a website since it could affect the seo process.

Thanks Mr.mindstreak

so better we should avoid the usage of iframe.

Iframes or anmation should not be used for website if you want to have SEO for your website. The usage of it affects the rankings of your website in SERP'S.

Well, here I would say things are little okay if you have used it wisely but if you have used to it hide your porblems then things could go wrong over here and its bad for your site. So, I would prefer the term "Okay" here!

Thanks for your Valuable answers, thanks a lot guys

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