I have set up a site based on competitive keyword, I have been listed on google since may but not in the SERP's. Just wondering how long it may take before google let my site loose from the sandbox?

Any feedback, much appreciated

No one knows. Google doesn't really provide any useful information on the matter - they simply pretend to. Then all the SEO folks pretend to understand the issue. In short: don't worry about it. Just let things take their (un)natural course.

I have set up a site based on competitive keyword, I have been listed on google since may but not in the SERP's. Just wondering how long it may take before google let my site loose from the sandbox?

Any feedback, much appreciated


What is your website and how you know that, your website is in sandbox :?:

Please remember there is a no site specific policy in this forum. Questions related to your specific website can be posted in the Site Reviews forum.

Also ... Google has never acknowledged or not acknowledged that a sandbox exists. However, it has been confirmed that domains that have existed for many years often rank higher, most likely because spammy, poor content domains come and go so easily nowadays, and the best sites are the ones that stand the test of time.


Sorry to ask a question that is beyond the forum policy :(

It's okay. It's just always a good idea to familiarize yourself with our forum rules :) Click the 'Rules' link at the top of the page.


Sure I will go-through it and try to post accordingly :)

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