I have done so many manual submissions but until now most of my links, especially those on seo directories still do not appear in google...

You won't see the links for months, if ever, because Google rarely updates its link count and even then doesn't even display all of them.

As far as getting indexed by Google, have you submitted your site directly to them?

You won't see the links for months, if ever, because Google rarely updates its link count and even then doesn't even display all of them.

As far as getting indexed by Google, have you submitted your site directly to them?

Yes, I submitted my site directly and have also my site map...

My site is indexed not with around 500 links...still increasing..thanks

To get a more accurate representation of where Google knows your backlinks are, sign up with Google Webmaster Tools at www.google.com/webmasters/

Put it in your signature in few forums, unless the domain was banned by google , it can get indexed in a month.

I have done so many manual submissions but until now most of my links, especially those on seo directories still do not appear in google...

Are you talking about the links submitted in directories?

Have you used any software to do so or have submitted them manually?

Manual submission is the best way for directories submissions and submissions in the correct relevant category will make your web rank more stronger and your indexing too.

I have done so many manual submissions but until now most of my links, especially those on seo directories still do not appear in google...

Use the command site:yousite.com

if there are pages displays it means you are indexed but if not you have not been crawled at all..

If you want it to be index.. linking it to already crawled sites will do the trick....

Example you sigs in forum posts... The forum with the follow on signature posts especially...

The rumored sandbox says approximately 9 months. That can vary give or take a few months depending on inbound links and popularity.

Off late I have seen that google has slowed the process of indexing new websites. I have had this experience with 2 newly released websites.

as far as backlinks go they have always been a problem. No one knows what they consider a link and will show as a backlink and what not.

I would like to tell you guys that my site is already indexed by google and also listed on top with some high competitive keywords.. Around 1520 backlinks have been listed too:)

I am doing all manual submissions. I did never spent any cent in advertising..all free.

How did you manage so many backlinks

Good, quality content that people are naturally going to want to link to. News sites with breaking news, for example, will often have individual articles syndicated throughout the web like wildfire.

If you have continually updating content, adding an RSS feed is a must.

Yes, use Google Webmaster tools and be patient. Google does not show ALL back links that it actually counts.

Be sure to check your Yahoo backlinks as well.

Yeah I actually like to look at my Yahoo backlinks count to see a more accurate count of all my backlinks. Google either doesn't show all of them thru their basic link: function, or they are very slow to update. The google webmaster tools is updated more frequently and is allegedly comprehensive, but it still doesn't pick up as many as Yahoo picks up for my site.

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