I just found this very interesting article on Mashable - http://mashable.com/2009/08/30/analyze-twitter-content/

I actually like TweetPsych but I do wonder what would be the business implication for knowing sentiment and psychographics on individual users rather than an aggregate of all the followers for a particular account. Would it really help create a positive lift in sales?

These Twitter related applications are popping up daily but if I will bring these up to my clients, the main question will be: "Can this help my business?" What would you say?

These Twitter related applications are popping up daily but if I will bring these up to my clients, the main question will be: "Can this help my business?" What would you say?

It really depends on the product/service being offered and the demographic being targeted. For example, a travel agent doesn't need to know the psychological rational of the person being followed. They just need to be able to understand what the person wants in terms of their travel. Banking and investment firms could use the psychological rational to their advantage because the goal is an investment for future gains.

True. I develop personas and I have reviewed many psychographic reports created by major research firms and you are right, Marketing Rob. The profiles may include much more information than needed and it could dilute the marketing message to these segments.

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