I just read about this startup that helps users create their own digital business card.http://dooid.com/home/index.php
So what do you think? Would you use such service? I personally think that my signature is enough.

Seems pointless when you can create a similar item with a program like outlook. Me thinks this is one startup that will stall pretty soon.

I agree with you since in outlook, you can create a e-business card. Also, once upon a time, it was popular to send it - mostly as an attachment. Now, hardly anyone sends it since you get the info from the signature.

Exactly. An e-business card is the digital equivalent of the business cards my client is using. It folds in half and has more info on it than is necessary. The first time you handle it is a novelty, after that it grows annoying because it is difficult to scan and does not fit neatly with your stack of standard cards. I actually saw one of his clients rip it in half and tell him he will keep the contact info. You would have thought he had punched my client in the gut the way he reacted.

I suppose it's kind of cool but pointless. Honestly, I don't know when I'd ever use it.

I suppose it's kind of cool but pointless. Honestly, I don't know when I'd ever use it.

I would imagine that the companies and business people who would use this are ones who are relatively new to the marketplace, are not particularly tech savvy, and are looking to do something that stands out a little. But for the company offering the service, that is not a good recipe for return/ongoing business because these newbies will learn and grow and like everyone else, abandon what is a novelty or not working.

I would imagine that the companies and business people who would use this are ones who are relatively new to the marketplace, are not particularly tech savvy, and are looking to do something that stands out a little. But for the company offering the service, that is not a good recipe for return/ongoing business because these newbies will learn and grow and like everyone else, abandon what is a novelty or not working.

Yes, I suppose it could be a 'step' in the evolution of a company becoming more tech savvy. Trouble is, will the clients that they send it to, a) even open and read it b) be annoyed by it? Maybe not, those 2 questions just came to mind.

From a user perspective, a cute/innovative card may enable the user to remember the business. If its too big or to cumbersome, the card may be left behind, thus, not actually helping the business at all. So it can be a double edge sword.

The one situation where I could see this being used to good effect would be in a follow up e-mail after an initial meeting at a show or conference. It could serve to spur the memory of the person getting it and reminding them of the initial meeting. Beyond that I would stick to the more traditional e-mail signature.

I totally agree. It also helps if the e-signature card also had a picture. At these conferences, one could meet so many people that a picture helps stir the memory.

I totally agree. It also helps if the e-signature card also had a picture. At these conferences, one could meet so many people that a picture helps stir the memory.

Photo and/or company logo. Great call there.

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