I found this interesting blog post through one of my groups on Linkedin and I wanted to share it with everyone. Here is the link


The basic premise is that in the world there are either creators or copiers and that is social media if you simply copy other peoples work you are destined to be a loser in social media. I agree with this as I strongly advocate to my clients that they have to share their knowledge and develop and speak with their own voices in the social media world otherwise they will be ignored. What do you think?

I totally agree - from an ethical and from a SEO perspective. First of all, social media is about unique user generated content. Thus, if you just copy and paste, such behavior is not contributing unique content to the online community. Second, search engines dont like repeated content and your site will get penalized for it. Like it or not.

I totally agree - from an ethical and from a SEO perspective. First of all, social media is about unique user generated content. Thus, if you just copy and paste, such behavior is not contributing unique content to the online community. Second, search engines dont like repeated content and your site will get penalized for it. Like it or not.

From a business point of view this is suicide. What shows your customers and potential clients that you really do not value them if you cannot even put in the time to create something fresh and new for them. I am all for passing on a link to an interesting blog or white paper but that should be the exception, not the norm.

hehe, content is always the king, google likes fresh content , so , don;t copy, you should create yourself:)

hehe, content is always the king, google likes fresh content , so , don;t copy, you should create yourself:)

What is funny is that to create the fresh content to satisfy the beast that is google, some companies do not realize that they can simply link to someone else's content and then provide their own analysis and insights. Creating original content is the greater goal but by taking the work/analysis/reporting of others and providing added insight or differing views you can provide excellent secondary content that is fresh and shows a grasp of the big picture.

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