
Does anyone have any information on Google and Bing planning to include Twitter posts within their searches?

This sounds really bizarre or will it be in a seperate search function?

Anyone heard anything about this?

Does anyone have any information on Google and Bing planning to include Twitter posts within their searches?

As of right now, I don't think there has been an official date announced for when Google or Bing will start displaying Twitter updates in their search results - but it sounds like it will happen soon.. FWIW - I read in some outlets that the inclusion of tweets in Google search results could be available in a couple of months.

Bing recently unveiled a beta version of its dedicated Twitter search, but this will only return content from Twitter. Eventually they will get around to integrating tweets into their standard search results.

This sounds really bizarre or will it be in a seperate search function?

I'm not sure how it will exactly be integrated, but Google gave the following example on it's official blog - "the next time you search for something that can be aided by a real-time observation, say, snow conditions at your favorite ski resort, you'll find tweets from other users who are there and sharing the latest and greatest information."

There were two previous posts in the last 24 hours about these with links to news stories.

Overall, the integration of these social media updates to SERP will definitely revolutionize the search experience. I do wonder how this will affect websites SEO?

Folks, to be honest, I dont like the Twitter integration at all, I think that it shows poor results and I dont know how to optimize my site for Twitter.

Folks, to be honest, I dont like the Twitter integration at all, I think that it shows poor results and I dont know how to optimize my site for Twitter.

The twitter results on the Search Engine Results Pages are from twitter accounts, not websites. In other words, there is no way to optimize a website to appear in Twitter results.

I think Google already include twitter search result on their engine, but it require another firefox add on to show it, I have no idea about bing, but if bing do the same as Google there is nothing wrong with it.all for the good of user

Just tried a few popular phrases. It's about half way down the page for me. Quite impressive watching it happen.

yes its going on. I've been seeing them specifically with Google Alerts.

Check it out.

My only concern is that there is no sense of privacy anymore online - every tweet, every FB update, becomes search-able. I hope people realize this.

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