How can i make a div tag which will Re size vertically depending upon the Text length of the this tag..??

am not sure if this is your answer but, if you use px for width and percentage for height then the vertical column can be resized. i havent tried but if u dont specify a height then i think it will automatically be resized based on ur text content. try it. if it doesnt work let me know.

I am designing a commenting script.I am fetching comments from My sql database with the help of php.And after fetching all comments i am trying to append the comment form (Enter Name:,Enter Comment blah blah...)at the last of the page.

For Example:
The main page here...

Comment: This is Comment!!
Comment: This is Comment!!
Comment: This is Comment!!
The Comment form :
Enter Name : [_____________]
Enter Comment : [_____________]

[Submit Comment][Reset Form]

When i am adding the form to the page.Its appearing Top left corner of the page (Over lapping the fetched Comments).
My question is How to append the form Just after all comments.

thanks i have done it....!!!

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