I keep waiting for tablets and phones to merge. Perhaps I'm hoping for too much. But, with the CES in Las Vegas this week a few potentials seem to be attempting to make this leap. A 6.8" smartphone might be a near solution. Are others waiting for the tablet and smartphone markets and makers to converge?

I think 6.8-inch device is too huge for a smartphone. I still prefer to use 4.5 to 5-inch smartphone and 7 or 8-inch tablet as my companion device. But maybe, a 6-inch phablet is the one i'm looking forward in the future. But that's gonna be weird everytime we use it to answer the call. It's pretty huge for a smartphone. People would laugh if you dared to do that. :D

I recently swapped my iPad 2 for a Google Nexus 7 2013 LTE, and once my iPhone 5s is off contract I am seriously thinking about taking the phablet 'one device to rule them all' route.

Am seriously considering a Nokia Lumia 1520 (6").

I know someone who is using one and is very satisfied with it. They are a die-hard Windows user across all platforms including mobile though, personally I think I'd find the jump from iOS and Android a leap too far. I'm seriously considering dumping iOS altogether when the next hardware upgrade decision has to be made, as Android simply gets the flexibility over finesse edge for me, but Windows Phone (even WP8 Black in the Lumia 1520) just seems a little too lacking in functionality right now - it reminds me of iOS at the start of the development cycle.

CES 2015 will come with a lot of products which many people are waiting like Sony Xperia Z4.

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