Hey guys whats up. Today i have encountered a very strange problem and am without a computer

Ok i was saving a microsoft word report to a disk and i restarted my computer. My computer started beeping and did not boot up and i remembered that i had left the disk in!

So i removed it and restarted. Now, i get absoultely nothing on my monitor except a message saying waiting for connection. it seems like my computer is trying to access the floppy drive.

I cant do anything! i cant get into the bios or cmos or anything!

I reset my cmos by using the jumpers and i even removed the battery and put it back in. I tried another floppy drive and another video card and it still does the same thing!

I have no idea what could've happened, any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

type exactly what it says because that sounds like a error you would get trying to connect to the web but if thats what it says than you cant realy argue.

it seems like my computer is trying to access the floppy drive.

If you think thats what its doing just unplug the ribbon and power cable from the floppy drive Ill be back with some more free tech support.

ok my computer has a black screen with a red rectangular box in he middle that says "please check the signal cable". It is what the monitor would say if the computer were off and i just turned the monitor on.

I am using an onboard video card and am (or was since my computer is not working) running windows xp.

i unhooked my floppy drive from the motherboard and the power supply and i got the same black screen (with the above red box and text) and 9 beeps which were repeated over and over again.

any more suggestions?

9 beeps which were repeated over and over again.

man that sounds like a slap to the face from your comp give me the specs on your computer

Check the signal cable connector for bent or pushed-in pins or if its correctly inserted man you might have to post to a big site theres alot of technicians online I post here to http://www.antionline.com/search.php?

man that sounds like a slap to the face from your comp give me the specs on your computer

Check the signal cable connector for bent or pushed-in pins.

hey man thanks for all your help!

ok first off, i have a 64mb gainward gf4ti 4200. i have tried using this video card and my onboard video card and i receive the same problem.

my computer specs

1700 amd xp
356 mb ddr 2100 ram
generic motherboard (pc ddr266 system board?)
20 gig maxtor hdd
and uhmm i guess thats really all that is important.

any more ideas?

Im thinking im thinking man chill out will get it running let me ask some people

oh ok do you have another monitor..... wait you said you put a perfectly good 64 bit video card in it and it still gave you the error or did you put the card in after this all started .............waiting on reply

yeah i have tried another monitor, its not that

the card was in there before, and this all started happening, so i switched to my onboard video to see if it was the 64 mb video card and the problem remained the same

did you try the suspected bad monitor on the computer your using right now.
Im just trying to put the process of elimination theory to work
This way we can rule out the monitor

i tried the monitor on my roommates computer and it works fine

alright so we have two video cards not working now Im thinking drivers when was the last time you updated the videocard driver

and do you still have the floppy unpluged when you reboot I would leave it unplugged and have you tried putting in your repair disk in your cd-rom and then rebooting

I reset my cmos by using the jumpers

tell me the steps you took here I just want to make sure you did this correctly.....no offense

check the proccessor. I had my PIII 450 do the same thing and come to find out the proccessor was just about out of the socket

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