I just built my first computer and everything is running perfectly. Except for one thing. The floppy drive wont work. I go to "My Computer" and it shows the 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) I put in a floppy and double click the icon and i get a message that says "please insert a disk into drive A:"

I have everything hooked up correctly. The LED on the front of it lights up and the floppy cable is taut.

Does the floppy drive show up in the BIOS, or can you see the drive when the machines POSTs?

Yes, it does show up in the BIOS not sure about when it posts.

I go to "My Computer" and it shows the 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) I put in a floppy and double click the icon and i get a message that says "please insert a disk into drive A:"

I have everything hooked up correctly. The LED on the front of it lights up and the floppy cable is taut.

Does the LED stay on all the time? If so, the problem is that the floppy-drive cable is plugged in upside-down at one end. They are supposed to be keyed to prevent this, but it doesn't always work out that way. If that's the case, it will "see" a drive, but no access will occur. Flip the cable over at one end.

Fortunately, this rarely damages the floppy controller.

that was the problem, im such an idiot, if i were given a test about that I'd pass, but when im building my own computer i completely forget. The mind works in strange ways.

aww, tallcool beat me to it.
Just curious vdpd2005, what did you pay for that alienware you have listed in your sig?

$3300, parents paid for it. I always have to say that we're not rich, we had to make a big, big sacrifice for it (like a car.) (I'm 16)

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