previously i had intel chipset 845 MB, celeron 2 Ghz processor with 512 RAM, it was very fast then, recently my board burned due to power fluctuation, i changed the board. System has become very slow since then, it does not hybernate at all. I even upgraded with more 512 RAM, but to no use, what could be the problem. Any body can help, even problem with IE 7. When ever i try to save favourites, it say IE has generated problems and need to close

have you done a full system reinstall???

This is required when adding new hardware like this... you might find that once you done that, it'll be faster! and back up to speed!

previously i had intel chipset 845 MB, celeron 2 Ghz processor with 512 RAM, it was very fast then, recently my board burned due to power fluctuation, i changed the board. System has become very slow since then, it does not hybernate at all. I even upgraded with more 512 RAM, but to no use, what could be the problem. Any body can help, even problem with IE 7. When ever i try to save favourites, it say IE has generated problems and need to close

When you install a new MB there are new devices which will need to be installed again, such as PCI bus, bridge etc.

Make sure you run the MB installation disk and then check the "device manager" (where applicable) in order to make sure that all devices are correctly installed and have no issues.

you failed to mention did you buy a new up to date motherboard or a similar used board from a place like e-bay or a friend

This could explain why your IE seems to be slow, like caperjack said we need more info on the board. If it is the same mobo I don't see why it should be slower. If you changed to a different mobo see the above posts. Hope this helps, Mav.

Did you check/change the page file settings?

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