Hello, when I turn my computer on, I get a boot failure, but I can't open the cd rom drive to check for a disk or put a disk in to help it boot.
I assume the failure to boot and the lack of power to the cd rom drive is connected. ?
Any help or adive would be greatly appreciated.

power supply going bad perhaps

Hello, when I turn my computer on, I get a boot failure, but I can't open the cd rom drive to check for a disk or put a disk in to help it boot.
I assume the failure to boot and the lack of power to the cd rom drive is connected. ?
Any help or adive would be greatly appreciated.

Has the system ever booted OK or is this the first boot?

What PSU have you got? You may not have enough power going to the drive (it does happen!). Try unplugging everything else (apart from what needed to boot) but leave the drive plugged. See what happens then? Also make sure that all you cables are in the correct place. Boot failure may suggest incorrect cable configuration.

Also, do you have a spare CD drive, just incase it could be the drive?

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