Has anybody else encountered the same problem I did when they updated their Radieon 9200 graphics card and recieved the Catalyst Display popup features?

I updated recently from the Windows update center, and after I restarted aftering downloading my updates, my system ran INCREADIBLY slow. And I mean, everything... from popup menus to windows, to programs.

It was driving me absolutly insane, but thats not the worse part. The worse part was when I tried watching Bleach 14 on my Media center, and the video resolution was so sharp and blocky. And this occured on ALL of my videos, new and saved.

I assumed it was the ATI update, am I right? What can I do to correct this error? So far I tried reinstalling my old driver, but that just seriously screwed things up on my OS system. So now I'm re-downloading the update from ATI.

Before you install any new video card drivers, make sure you uninstall the previous ones, usually from add/remove programs under Control Panel.

Before you install any new video card drivers, make sure you uninstall the previous ones, usually from add/remove programs under Control Panel.

That stuff dosent overwrite??

That seems a bit silly, wouldnt uninstalling my old driver disable the card all together? I wouldnt be able to see anything on my screen

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Uninstalling the drivers would mean your video card would be running as a VGA card.
You'd still get monitor display.

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