change memory from 256 to 512 and now pc will not boot,put old mem. back in and still no boot-help help help

... and in the other orum section I replied:

A long beep is usually a RAM problem. As you've tried the original RAM, it is possible that there is a common cause fault on both RAM sticks. Like zapped by static electricity. Or not seated proerly (unlikely for 1 long beep).

this could be caused by the 512mb that may of been faulty and then when you inserted the memory it damaged the the ram slot! have you tried in a different slot? can you test the 256 in a nother pc to make sure its still working? bothe the chip dont work and a nother chip does not start up the pc then the motherboard is damaged(it happens). but do not place the 512 in to a nother pc until you are sure that it is the the source of the problems!

Try setting ram voltage manually.. 1.85, then 1.9, then 1.95 and see if the ram in black slots will boot at all..

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