A customer brought a Dell Latitude C840 to me saying he could not get into it. I booted it up only to come across a screen that said that hard drive had a password on it. When I told him about it he said he had gotten it used. The service tag is 1x30y11-595B. Can anyone help?

Is there any way of reseting the H/D or Motherboard? I would try this first. Failing this I would call Dell

I had a hard drive with a password come into my shop a few years ago. Spent way too much time looking for a solution that apparently doesn't exist. Finally called and informed him that he would need a new HD. He agreed quickly and all lived happily ever after. Some problems can tie you up so long that you can't make any money on the job even though the customer is pleased.

You're exactly right. It DID take too much time to resolve and I ended up swapping out the hard drive in the end anyway.

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