I am running windows ME, on a computer i think is a hp (label is gone) that we got from wal-mart in 1999. Now your prolly saying screw the RAM get a new computer. Enless I am wrong an RAM is cheaper. Anyways i know my way around the software yadda yadda on the comp, hardware i know very lil. I am not sure how much RAM i have, so i would like to know how to find out. I also want to upgrade it if it is below 1gig, (which it prolly is) question is, do i need to buy 1gig of RAM? or if i already have 512 RAM can i just buy another 512 to get my gig? And is there anything i may have left out here? like certian brand, kind or type? I know this question is a long one but i would appreciate any help offered. ty

Depends what you use your pc for:

If its just general home use, 256 megabytes will do fine, while gaming or large office/work will need 512 and up.

However, RAM is a pain in the behind as you need to get the right RAM that will go with your Motherboard. If you can, dig out your computer/motherboard manual and look for the board's stats and info. Post anything to do with memory, RAM, DDR and SDR, PC number (i.e. PC3200) and we'll get back to you!

In order to give you a good answer, we'd need to know more about your system. The fact you're running Windows ME doesn't really tell us anything in this case.

If you could find out what the model of your system is, maybe with a label on the back, you could check out HP's website for yourself to figure out all the details on the appropriate memory for your computer.

Well I can answer one question. To find out how much Ram you already have, right click my computer and select properties, now at the bottom of that dialog box, it should say "computer:" and you can find how much your running there.

I am running windows ME, on a computer i think is a hp (label is gone) that we got from wal-mart in 1999. Now your prolly saying screw the RAM get a new computer. Enless I am wrong an RAM is cheaper. Anyways i know my way around the software yadda yadda on the comp, hardware i know very lil. I am not sure how much RAM i have, so i would like to know how to find out. I also want to upgrade it if it is below 1gig, (which it prolly is) question is, do i need to buy 1gig of RAM? or if i already have 512 RAM can i just buy another 512 to get my gig? And is there anything i may have left out here? like certian brand, kind or type? I know this question is a long one but i would appreciate any help offered. ty

Try going to Start, scroll up to Programs, go to Accessories, then System Info, click on System Summary. This should give you enough info to determine what's up. Happy hunting, dcc

Ok after follow several of your guys' posts i have the following, my make/model is hewlett packert pavilon, i went to check how much RAM i have and it said i only have 63mb of RAM!?!? now here is my concern, if i were to upgrade that to 256mb of ram, would this speed up my computer? or would i need additional upgrades? I have plenty of memory, and an intel celeron processor running at 706 mhz. Any help/info would be appreciated

A RAM upgrade will increase your computer's speed significanlty (spelling?)!

I agree with squirrel, I dont even see how your getting by with 63mb. But you should definitely invest in some more ram. I would even try to go the 512mb route. You would probably need 2 256mb ram sticks, instead of just one 512mb stick. I strongly urge you to get more ram, you will find it will greatly improve performance.

Is RAM expensive? because with my student discount i can get a new computer with all the same processors, memory, that i currently have, plus the 256mb of RAM for about 3 or 4 hundred bucks. Is more RAM the cheaper route to go?

Definitely, ram is much cheaper than $300. I have an HP around 700mhz. So im going to guess your computer is the same as mine, or maybe a little bit better or a little bit worse. None-the-less all the ram for these computers like ours is pretty cheap, and I got a 256mb stick of ram for around $75-$80. http://www.4allmemory.com/index.cfm go here and they will scan your computer to see what type of memory you need, then you can order what you want. I got my memory from here and its running like a champ. Good luck

I'd say $75-80 is a little high for 256MB SDRAM. More like, $40-50, depending on the type that you get. Maybe that much for high-spec overclocking DDR SDRAM, but not just for plain old SDRAM...

depends in where you go I guess...I know newegg.com probably sells SD RAM for around that much, but I couldnt find the SDRAM I needed there. I know at wal-mart a crappy old lite-on single layer dvd burner costs around $80. But I went to newegg and bought a double layer dvd burner for $50.

Hey thanx for the link, i know i keep the questions comming, but how difficult is it to install RAM? would i be able to do it myself, or should i seek a professional?

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