Ok, I am gonna try and give as much info on this as possible, I have a Hewlett-Packard Pavilion XE783. I have 64 mb of RAM, and I am attempting to upgrade to 256 mb of RAM. I went to this site www.all4memory.com Someone from this site recomended it. So i got the correct type of RAM for my computer, I downloaded installation guides, and decided to install myself. I remove the cover look inside and find my current RAM stick in it's slot. Next to it is another slot for RAM, I install the new RAM in the second slot, and left the old RAM in its original slot. I boot back up, and go to see if I had succesfully completed this task, I did not, still reading 64 mb of RAM. My computer is old 1999 I think is when we got it, so I went to get a BIOS update, downloaded instructions and performed that task, then I uninstalled the new RAM, and re-installed it, I still read at 64 mb of RAM, now I don't know what to do, should I remove original RAM stick? Will something like that harm my computer? I am confused and all4memory.com's tech support is very slow to email me, so I came here, hope someone can help.

try running the new ram in place of the old ram all by itself and see what happens. HP's can be picky about where you put ram. Change it up and test to see what works.

Ok I tryed what u said and took out the old RAM completely and put new RAM in old slot, it works! thanks for the advice

you could probably use the 64mb of ram in the other slot.

hi buddy...
well there could be multipe reasons why the computer is not able to detect the RAMs. the system might not be compatible wiht the RAM that u have purchased.It could be a SIMM, RIMM or an SRAM or DRAM...there are multiple things that u could have checked before u go ahead and select one.what i would suggest is take the RAM that u have in ur system and then get it checked and get the similar piece. that will solve the purpose.
the other thing is also check out if the motherboard can work wiht 256 MB.

hi buddy...
well there could be multipe reasons why the computer is not able to detect the RAMs. the system might not be compatible wiht the RAM that u have purchased.It could be a SIMM, RIMM or an SRAM or DRAM...there are multiple things that u could have checked before u go ahead and select one.what i would suggest is take the RAM that u have in ur system and then get it checked and get the similar piece. that will solve the purpose.
the other thing is also check out if the motherboard can work wiht 256 MB.

If you would have read my early post you would have seen were I said I went to all4memory.com, they have a search feature that finds that type of RAM you need with your type of computer.

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