I have a Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop. In the last few months, I noticed that the screen was getting darker. In the last few weeks I noticed the screen was getting a red tint. Yesterday, the screen had a slight flicker. Today, the screen is not working.

I plugged the laptop into a external monitor and it displays fine. No darkness or red tint. If I switch back to the LCD while the monitor is connected, the LCD will come on for 1-3 seconds then go black.

How can I find out if it is the LCD, LCD inverter, or CCFL tube?

I have a Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop. In the last few months, I noticed that the screen was getting darker. In the last few weeks I noticed the screen was getting a red tint. Yesterday, the screen had a slight flicker. Today, the screen is not working... How can I find out if it is the LCD, LCD inverter, or CCFL tube?

It's probably a faulty inverter (thermal shutdown). If it was a bad FL tube, it would probably flicker or restart instead.

It's probably a faulty inverter (thermal shutdown). If it was a bad FL tube, it would probably flicker or restart instead.

Thanks for the info.

I have been looking around and replacing an inverter appears to be something I can do myself.

Any recommendations where I can buy an inverter and guides to installing it?

Thanks for the info.

I have been looking around and replacing an inverter appears to be something I can do myself.

Any recommendations where I can buy an inverter and guides to installing it?

I have seen them on eBay. They may come with instructions; ask to be sure. You can also Google on the model number and the word "inverter" like this, for example.

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