I have Laptop "Everex VA2000T" my problem is when I turn my Laptop, the Laptop will turn on but did not continue. when i check the Chipset it is very hot. Please help me to repair my laptop!!

Time to contact your vendor for warranty support...

I have Laptop "Everex VA2000T" my problem is when I turn my Laptop, the Laptop will turn on but did not continue. when i check the Chipset it is very hot. Please help me to repair my laptop!!

I have had that happen when all else fails think "bots" I purchased a ip powered fan that recirculates the air cooling. The first time it happened virus protection was the solution

It happens due to two reasons they are:
1. Your power fan is not working
2. Any of the IC(integrated circuit) got damaged or not working properly.

So you need to take your laptop to the service center.

If it's under warranty, let them take care of it.

If it's not, does the fan work? Has the laptop randomly shut off before?

Also, do you mean when you turn on it won't load into Windows?

Did you hear the fan spin. Might be a hard disk failure or an overheating issus or other tons of problem. Use a spare hard disk and see whether it works. Change the chipset as well.

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