I recently found that my hard drive has bad sectors in the neighborhood of 5000 per day.
ordinarily I would consider this to be a bad hard drive. Except that this hard drive is a
6 month old Western Digital 250 gb hard drive, that replaced a one year old Seagate 500 gb hard drive with the same problem. I originally saved my files from the first hard drive to an external hard drive and discarded the 500 gb Seagate. I then installed Windows Seven on the new HDD. Over the last six months I have had to access files on the the external HDD.
Today through a forum here bad sectors were discovered to be a problem creating internet connection issues.
My question is this. Is it possible to have a virus that would fill sectors on a hard drive and allow them to appear as bad blocks? At the same time remaining undetected by MBA-M and Eset?

I have a hard time trying to understand you so sorry if I misinterpret your description...

You have 1 year old Seagate 500GB which has bad sector and a 6 month old of WD 250GB HDD.

You had backup most files to your external HDD from Seagate 500GB HDD.

You had use WD 250GB HDD for 6 months till the problem come back...

You had trouble connecting to internet because of recent bad sector issue and you suspect virus might hid and disguise themselves as bad sector, at the same time, MBAM and ESET couldn't detect them...

Is that right?

Probably no. Bad sector would be bad sector, if you use harddisk scan utility you'll find out if your hard drive really did faulty or false alarm...

Nobody knows for sure whether virus are capable of disguising as bad sector. But If there is a malware, Mbam will surely detect it. As flagstar have stated you can always use a software to detect bad sector.

Please use disk utility to fix or mount bad sectors in hard drive. Better to do zero level formatting.

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