My computer recently got infected by virus but I can't reformat it. I tried different CD's but it is not really continuing. What do you think is the problem? Thanks!

My computer recently got infected by virus but I can't reformat it. I tried different CD's but it is not really continuing. What do you think is the problem? Thanks!

commented: waste of space -4

Are you going to reply, or just quote the OP?

commented: Good point +10

Have -2 votes already even when he was OP and ask the right thing?? Weird...

Back to topic, can you explain your problem in a little more bit detail on the process you were doing now?

I doubt he will. Time will tell.

Everytime I open my computer, there is a window that will pop out and scan my whole system like an anti-virus but it isn't my anti-virus and I can't use my computer. I can't even reformat it because in the middle of reformatting, it hangs. I only suspect that apart from the virus. I also have a problem with my hard disk but I want to be certain before I change it. I wish I could get help here. Thanks!

Have -2 votes already even when he was OP and ask the right thing?? Weird...

Back to topic, can you explain your problem in a little more bit detail on the process you were doing now?

Have -2 votes already even when he was OP and ask the right thing?? Weird...

Back to topic, can you explain your problem in a little more bit detail on the process you were doing now?

The poster have spam links in his signature. That is maybe the reason he got down voted.

@ iAssistant

First thing. Don't always reformat your computer when you have a virus. Do what crunchie said and post in the Virus, Spyware and other Nasties forum. Experts there will help you to remove the virus.

Second point. Your thread topic is not related to your thread. If you want to diagnose your hard disk problem, you can always run chkdsk in your command or use seatool athough there are more softwares. In this case it is different you got a virus instead.

commented: damn straight +17

Thanks for the advice. I will try chkdsk and Google the steps.

The poster have spam links in his signature. That is maybe the reason he got down voted.

@ iAssistant

First thing. Don't always reformat your computer when you have a virus. Do what crunchie said and post in the Virus, Spyware and other Nasties forum. Experts there will help you to remove the virus.

Second point. Your thread topic is not related to your thread. If you want to diagnose your hard disk problem, you can always run chkdsk in your command or use seatool athough there are more softwares. In this case it is different you got a virus instead.

But that is for checking whether your hard disk got problem. From your first post, it seems you got a virus problem. Have you solved the virus problem?

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