Sometimes when I am using my ~5 year old Compaq laptop, the parts of the screen that are supposed to be white turn purple. But I can touch the laprop screen frame and it will go away. Then if I nudge the computer or move it, the white parts will go purple again. Any idea what this is all about?


I had a desktop monitor and a laptop one do this to me. It was the cable on the desktop and the tube on the laptop. These can be reeplaced

I had a desktop monitor and a laptop one do this to me. It was the cable on the desktop and the tube on the laptop. These can be reeplaced

I am having the same problem on a Lenovo T61 laptop. The white parts of the screen look purple. Sometimes by adjusting the screen position, it reverts back to normal. When i connect to an external monitor, it always works fine.

When you say "the tube" on the laptop was the problem, what exactly is that? How do I get a replacement and how do I install that? I'm somewhat new to laptop repair, but I would really like to avoid spending on a whole new screen or whole new laptop if possible.

Could this be a hinge problem?


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