I recently purchased a new MacBook Pro - with Airport Extreme. I'm connected to Airport Extreme no problem when I'm working in OS X - but I don't know how to set this up for Windows. I need to connect to the internet through Windows for work.

Its asking me for a WEP key...I don't know what the heck that is. Can anyone help me out?

I recently purchased a new MacBook Pro - with Airport Extreme. I'm connected to Airport Extreme no problem when I'm working in OS X - but I don't know how to set this up for Windows. I need to connect to the internet through Windows for work.

Its asking me for a WEP key...I don't know what the heck that is. Can anyone help me out?

Well, for one thing we need to know if you set up encryption on your router. WEP is a type of encryption, and for a computer to connect to a WEP-encrypted network, you need a key, which is sort of like a password, except it's only hexadecamil.

If you have encrypted your network, at some point on your Mac, you must have entered this key. The Mac then remembers this key for all subsequent connections.

If you cannot remember your WEP key, you must reconnect to your router, and then change the WEP key.


I also had the same problem.

goto (on mac) applications/ultilities/airport admin utility then select your base station and click configure. up the top of the window will be a tab called passwords, click on this and it should give you the HEX equiv. password (WEP) for your windows.

restart on windows then enter this password and youll be away.....took me a few days to work this out......

I learned from AIRPORT ADMIN HELP in MAC Utilities that to enable the WINDOWS portion of my MAcBook to connect wirelessly to my network, I'm supposed to go to SYST PREFS/SHARING/INTERNET and click AIRPORT and I get a window warning me that to go further will interrupt and/or violate my ISP contract and sure enough, it immediately shut down my internet connection. I'm trying to create a WEP but it won't let me get that far.

I get a window warning me that to go further will interrupt and/or violate my ISP contract and sure enough, it immediately shut down my internet connection.

That probably means that your ISP doesn't allow you to share your Internet. You should consider changing ISPs or getting a different plan so you don't get in trouble.

That probably means that your ISP doesn't allow you to share your Internet. You should consider changing ISPs or getting a different plan so you don't get in trouble.

That doesn't really make sense since it lets me connect with a cable, just not wireless.

That doesn't really make sense since it lets me connect with a cable, just not wireless.

Exactly. It's way easier to share your internet with wireless than hard-wired, so your ISP probably figured they would safeguard that more than anything else.

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