
I have the machine mentioned above. It has a power on BIOS password enabled. I have removed the keyboard and unplugged the RTC battery (Real Time Clock). This had no effect. The question is... Does this machine have a CMOS battery? And if so, where is it? And if I can get to it, and unplug it, will THAT reset the power on BIOS?



The cmos battery is usually located somewheres on the motherboard. It could be either a barrel style solder, coin cell, or some other types o' batterys. The batteries look like their names usually. Dont know if it will clear the password though.

It will clear your password, but you must find it an pull it out for at least 30 minutes. Preferably longer like a few hours. You must also have your computer disconnected from any outside power sources, ie wall outlet, battery backup, UPS, etc..


Do you know where I might find the easiest way to get to the cmos, ie: breakdown on how-to get to mobo, and the step by step breakdown, on how it's done...?

give me a holla back,


Thanks Caperjack,

I beleive this will do the trick. Will let you know once it's done.


This might sound like a stupid question, however is the RTC battery the cmos battery...?

This might sound like a stupid question, however is the RTC battery the cmos battery...?

yup ,one in the same ,real time clock ! and the bios stores the clock/time of the computer on chip called a cmos.

That was it, problem solved, Thanks for the references it really helped me out...

That was it, problem solved, Thanks for the references it really helped me out...

your welcome !

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