i hope you can help me.i have got a motherboard with the following details.


with processor : 3.0 GHz

The problem
sometime my pc will automatically turn off.
and when i start it again.It makes the beeb sound and the monitor doesn't show any Display.
Then if start it again after some minutes i get the following message.
Your computer is has been turnned off duty overheading.

Press F2 for setup, F4 to resume.

Thanks in Advance for helping

get some more fans, possibly new heatsink. even try to blow the dust out. systems shut off all the time due to overheating you just have to better cool it.

get some more fans, possibly new heatsink. even try to blow the dust out. systems shut off all the time due to overheating you just have to better cool it.

Thanks alot for your help.
Do have to buy new Fan for CPU or The Casting.
but i have already openned one side of Casting to remaind cool.
Does it help at all ?

You need to check the CPU fan to see if it is running. that is in case you have the fan.

Also check if the heat-sink is properly fitted. It has to be tight on the CPU + very thin layer of thermal paste must be on it.

BTW, For ~ $50 you can get some real CPU cooling. Zelman or something. CPU's retail cooling is (I'll be gentle) low-end.
It's, kind of, ironic to pay $500 for the CPU and get some puny $5 worth heat-sink and fan. I didn't even bother with mine.

P.S. If it shuts down immediately after switching on, I say your heat-sink is detached or not even there. Other possibility is the temp. diode is faulty, sending a higher temp. readings than it really is and, therefore, making the CPU shut down.
And opening the casing is the solution for the long run. That doesn't help with your case.

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