
i have red hat 9 on the system. i downloaded java sdk for linux path from sun and installed it. but still it says javac command not found even though i renamed the path using the locate javac command.

The locate command doesn't rewrite anything - it just tells you where xxx is located.

Try doing updatedb, followed by locate xxx to see where it is (like, /usr/local/bin or /usr/sbin or whatever the path is) and maybe at that location to yoru $PATH if it isn't already there.


i have red hat 9 on the system. i downloaded java sdk for linux path from sun and installed it. but still it says javac command not found even though i renamed the path using the locate javac command.

did you add a PATH= pointing to the location of your java install? did you install as root or as a user? did you install to the standard location?

did you add a PATH= pointing to the location of your java install? did you install as root or as a user? did you install to the standard location?

yes i added the javac path using the "locate javac" command i installed it in my home folder i dont know if it is user or rool

I mean, do you have a section in your PATH= that reads '/home/xxxxx/path/to/javac/'?

i did this in .bash_profile

PATH = $PATH:/usr/java/j2ske1.4.2-06/bin/javac
export PATH

i found the path by typing locate javac in terminal.

but still i get this error:

bash: javac : command not found

i did this in .bash_profile

PATH = $PATH:/usr/java/j2ske1.4.2-06/bin/javac
export PATH

Just at first glance (although it may not be the fix): your PATH statement should only point to the directories in which executables reside, not to the executables themselves; try this instead:

PATH = $PATH:/usr/java/j2ske1.4.2-06/bin:
export PATH

You may also have to export other environment variables besides PATH, such as CLASSPATH- more info and suggestions can be found in the results of this G4L search:


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