Hi everyone,
I am playing around with Ubuntu that I put on an older PC. I was wondering if it is possible to bring up the Ubuntu desktop on my other computer that runs Windows XP via some kind of remote desktop application. Thank you for any help in advance.


Yes, it is possible to see your Ubuntu desktop via the network on your XP computer. You will require software called VNC to make the connection. You can run the VNC server on the Ubuntu box, and the VNC client on XP, and make the connection.

Note, if you have firewalls in the way, it may require modifications to them in order for the traffic to pass.


Thank you for the post. I googled vnc and got a program and it is working perfectly!

I am experiencing a problem, however. It allows me to connect, but only sometimes. Other times it will tell me that it could not find the server. Is this normal? I am having trouble determining if it is my windows pc, or linux that is causing this to happen. Thanks for any help on this in advance.

If you are using fiesty fawn (7.04) it has a vnc server automatically installed in it.

Main Menu >> Preferences >> Remote Desktop

Allow other users to view your desktop
Allow other users to control your desktop

Do not forget to set a password.

Now all you have to do is VNC to the Box using the ip address.

That will make sure the error is not with installation, which is always a pain in linux.

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I am experiencing a similar problem. I am using the latest version of Ubuntu, and unfortunately, I can only get a vnc connection if I am logged in to my ubuntu machine. I had a machine little over a year ago with an earlier version of ubuntu and I was able to VNC to the login screen, then log in to the desktop. What gives now? I have checked off the invitation confirmation, but I still can not log in unless I physically go to the machine and start a session. Then I can log in via VNC. Why is that now?

Step 1. Don't post to threads that are like 3 or 4 years old.
Step 2. Don't ask a question for yourself on someone else's thread
-ie: make your own thread
Step 3. Make sure the vnc server is running, regardless if you start a session or not.

Step 1. Try not to be an ass to people that are trying to understand ubuntu.
Step 2. See step 1.

Step 3. Profit!

In ubuntu using team viewer(via WINE) we can access windows platform.And how to access in windows ubuntu remote desktop .Using VNC,RDP so on softwares are available but not getting the correct out put. If any one know pls give the instructions one by one................

Give me instructions for installing ASP on ubuntu.I had got the articles .But its said that java home enviroment is needed.i couldn`t install.So pls help me.

If you are using fiesty fawn (7.04) it has a vnc server automatically installed in it.

Main Menu >> Preferences >> Remote Desktop

Allow other users to view your desktop
Allow other users to control your desktop

Do not forget to set a password.

Now all you have to do is VNC to the Box using the ip address.

That will make sure the error is not with installation, which is always a pain in linux.

Worked Perfect!



Instructions were supremely accurate. Built-in VNC server on Ubuntu 10.04 worked fine out of the box and a Windows XP client with VNC viewer connected right in. Thanks.

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