
I am new to Linux, actually I really want to check it out to see if I like it, but I don't know how to install it. I downloaded Fedora Core 5 the DVD version and burned the image file, now what? Should i buy another hard drive to install linux on? How do I configure a dual boot scenerio so I can still use Windows XP? Well those are the primary concerns I have right now, any help would be great.



I am new to Linux, actually I really want to check it out to see if I like it, but I don't know how to install it. I downloaded Fedora Core 5 the DVD version and burned the image file, now what? Should i buy another hard drive to install linux on? How do I configure a dual boot scenerio so I can still use Windows XP? Well those are the primary concerns I have right now, any help would be great.


OOH NT is difficult to multiboot. There are some good howtos on this sort of thing at http://tldp.org

What about using the bootloader that comes with FC5, GRUB (?), does anybody know if that works well or if i should do it another way?

if you partitian your hard drive i think you can install fedore core (x) with windows on it at the same time. dont use the windows partitianer, use something like particianmagic ($70 i think).

Well grub does it for you, and actually I abandoned FC all together, because I found that Ubuntu was a lot better (in my opinion) and I actually got all (or most) of the configurations right.

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