I am running 64-bit Fedora core 5 and attempted to download core 6. The download (FireFox browser) took about 8 hours and when done the file could not be saved :mad: I know it is not for lack of disk space -- fedora is installed on a 320 gig hard drive, and the os is almost the only thing on it.

This morning I rebooted to 32-bit MS-Windows XP and again downloading the file with Firebox browser. But this time 71% of the file has finished downloading in just one hour.

If linux (Fedora) is supposed to be so wounderful and better than MS-Windows, why does its file downloads suck cannel water:eek: And why could it not save that 3 gig file?

I am running 64-bit Fedora core 5 and attempted to download core 6. The download (FireFox browser) took about 8 hours and when done the file could not be saved :mad: I know it is not for lack of disk space -- fedora is installed on a 320 gig hard drive, and the os is almost the only thing on it.

This morning I rebooted to 32-bit MS-Windows XP and again downloading the file with Firebox browser. But this time 71% of the file has finished downloading in just one hour.

If linux (Fedora) is supposed to be so wounderful and better than MS-Windows, why does its file downloads suck cannel water:eek: And why could it not save that 3 gig file?

So cos firefox broke your download you conclude that linux isn't very good.

If you want to download using http use wget. You'd be better off using bittorrent though, you'll get good download speeds and most good clients check the segments of file they download to make sure corruption doesn't occur.

Also you're comparing download speeds that are potentially from two different mirrors (?) at different times on different days. The fact that you did it on different operating systems probably has nothing to do with it.

also linux may not be unleashing the full potential of your network card (my thinkpad only runs at 10mbs under fedora for some reason)

note: dont use 64 bit linuxes unless its on a server, theres less programs for it and sometimes odd things like this happen and dont say "but windows 64 bit is fine" because its not it hardly works

did you try wget or ftp from the command line? also what your nic set to? 10baseT, 100baseTX??
sounds more like a networking problem to me

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