Whenever I reboot my computer (XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2, Internet Explorer, Version 7.0.5730.13IS), I get a dialogue box that says, "! Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive".

Internet Explorer is not running but the message always comes up.

Any help?

I have started to have the same problem and i don't even use internet explorer, i use Firefox. Have you solved the problem yet?

I got rid of "Instant Search" - part of Microsoft Outlook 2007. Then it went away.

Welcome to Daniweb both of you :)

commented: Yahahaha! +6
commented: No Rash +0

I got rid of "Instant Search" - part of Microsoft Outlook 2007. Then it went away.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

i dont know why this is happening but its doing it to me 2 but when i am using ie 7

Yuck!IE 7 I only suggest and or put it on to computers of people i don't like .LOL

Hehehe i understand that :D

commented: Because I feel like it. -1
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