Hello, I am having issues with visiting ANY website on internet explorer or firefox and it says I am connected(I am hardwired to a d-link modem). I have tried a lot of solutions from reading oher threads from this site and nothing seems to work. I went out and bought a new Dlink router and Dlink ethernet card for my computer. I installed the drivers for everything and configured the router from the disc. As of now I am on a laptop that can connect to the router wirelessly and browse with no problems. I ran WinsockXPfix, it did not work. I turned off the windows firewall, it did notwork. I power cycled the modem, router and computer, it did not work. I went into command prompt and /release and /renew, it did not work. Here is a copy of my ipconfig /all:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Tom D********>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name......................: tom
Primary Dns Suffix..........:
Node Type......................: Unknown
IP Routing Enabled..........: No
WINS Proxy Enabled........: No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 5:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix ...:
Description................................: D-Link DFE-530TX+ PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (rev.F)
Physical Address.........................: 00-1B-11-C3-3B-0B
Dhcp Enabled..............................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled............: Yes
IP Address..................................:
Subnet Mask...............................:
Default Gateway..........................:
DHCP Server...............................:
DNS Servers...............................:
Lease Obtained............................: Sunday, December 30, 2007 4:27:16

Lease Expires..............................: Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:27:16

If you have any questions about my computer specifications, please ask. I need the internet working on my computer ASAP. Also, this problem occured randomly, I do not remember any programs or settings that I changed or installed right before it stopped working. I dont think it could be a bug or spyware because I reformatted, but I could be wrong.

Please Help, Thanks


Two things to suggest

1) empty the cache for Firefox and IE, then restart them and see what happens.

2) In the URL enter following and tell me what happens.

(IT won't do any harm, if it works it will come up with a well known site)

3) which ISP are you using ?

did you try another network cable

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