Hi I'm new here and I'm running a desktop with windows 2000 sp4. The problem I am having is
internetexplorer.exe errors. I've cleaned my registry by hand and have several antivirus\spyware programs running with no errors being detected. The error is causing IE to close after the error. I tried contacting microsoft in regards to the issue but they have basically disowned windows 2000. So I'm asking for any fresh ideas over what I have already tried. I also cleaned up system32 and all HKEY_USER files.

Welcome to DaniWeb.

The error, is it in iexplore.exe? Is at an error like: iexplore.exe caused in invalid page fault in module kernal32.dll or something like that?

What version of Internet Explorer are you using?

If its lower than IE7, then upgrade to IE7 from [ Here ].

It removes old components and ads some new ones.

I wish , no the erroris internet explorer has caused errors and will close.
I'm using IE6sp1, would upgrade but system wont support 7. I tried. :(

When you get the error, on the error dialog box, click Details. Then copy and paste them here.

Have a worse problem now or I would. Now I have the blue screen of death and have no clue why. I use mcafee for virus protection and my firewall. I also use the spybot program for detecting adware,spyware, and malware. But when I tried turning it on yesterday all I get is the blue screen of death. Would just crash the system and re-load the os but i dont have the disks......what to do???

When you get the blue screen, theres a bog long number towards the bottom, try and copy this down and post it here.

It will help diagnose the problem

the message is 0x0000007b(0x8184B030,0xC0000032,0x00000000,0x000)

Tried tricking my way around it by running in safe mode but to no avail.....

sound to me like Mcafee is causing some conflict with you broswer,,,,,,basically the browser want to allow certain thing to run mcafee is stoping it,,,,,open the mcafee console and stop the onaccess scan, then try using your broser, let us know how that goes

Had to go into safe command to access the logs basically the system has torn itself apart. Oh well I am planning on buying a new desktop come tax time so no worries. Thank you for the help though I will keep it in mind for the future.

wife's account logged sorry but its still me gabriel08.

@Jodie was this post supposed to be herer or you entering thos on gabriel08 behalf??????

Had to go into safe command to access the logs basically the system has torn itself apart. Oh well I am planning on buying a new desktop come tax time so no worries. Thank you for the help though I will keep it in mind for the future.

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