Hi Guys (and Gals),

I'm in the middle of a Windows98 reinstall on an E Tower e333i. After install I had dblbuff.sys, ifshlp.sys, himem.sys and REM[Header] error in EXE file error in EXE file errors. Was able to fix the first three by downloading files from internet and installing via command promp off a cd. I don't know what to do about the last error though. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

What are you doing to re produce this error?

Sounds like it is just a typo in a batch script.

I reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled from a restore cd. I had several problems during the install with error messages about misalligned zip headers and unreadable scripts. When reinstall was done I removed the disk and then rebooted the computer. I got just a millisecond flash of the windows symbol then redirected to start in command prompt mode as scanreg had detected errors. Listed four errors, tried several fixes on himem, ifshlp and dblbuff errors and finally downloade a zip from the internet with those three programs onto a disk with a windows 98 boot iso and was able to copy them onto drive c replacing the defective programming. I have no clue what the REM[Header] is referencing so no clue as to what I need to do to fix. Any help is apreciated.

Sounds like you have bad media or bad drive reading the media.

Is this a known good Hard drive?

this is either in your autoexec or config files REM meaning do not load a certain line or section of the config or autoexec file. go back to the command prompt and type edit then enter, when the screen comes up hit ALT+f choose open and located either files and look for the rem section in there

The computer was working then crashed, it had been having progressively more error readings so i bought a flash drive that would work with windows 98 and saved all my important docs and pics. I first tried a reinstall without formatting but that failed then I tried a full install with HDD reformat. No known HDD issues but it hadbeen infected with a virus years ago. Never worked correctly again but kept it for storage. Would not stay connected to internet long enough to do anything. E Tower only provides a restore cd with thier computers so I didn't have a windows cd to try to fix individual problems. It was all or nothing and I now fear that my restore cd was junk.

the restore cd should wipe the drive clean of all previously installed programs. then it will install all the programs that came with the PC from the manufacturer.

this is either in your autoexec or config files REM meaning do not load a certain line or section of the config or autoexec file. go back to the command prompt and type edit then enter, when the screen comes up hit ALT+f choose open and located either files and look for the rem section in there

No go. I type edit then hit enter and get error in EXE file then c prompt again.

the restore cd should wipe the drive clean of all previously installed programs. then it will install all the programs that came with the PC from the manufacturer.

It seemed to do the format process without problems then it begins extracting and inflating files. The first problem occurs at C:\WINDOWS\Options/Win98_44.CAB fails to load after retrying 50 times then again at Win98_61.CAB. it runs along fine and then hits a section where it fails so fast that I can't tell what programs it is not installing. Usually it says not enough memeory or memory full under reason but it will load other programs in the midst of all this fast scrolling load.

if the installations is stopping at the cab file there is something wrong with the cd.

for edit to work you have to be at the C:\windows directory if windows is not installed then you will not be able to get this done.

if the installations is stopping at the cab file there is something wrong with the cd.

for edit to work you have to be at the C:\windows directory if windows is not installed then you will not be able to get this done.

it won't load those two CABs but it continues on to the end of the install and kicks out the cd then reboots with the error message. I figured the cd was bad when it started getting error messages. This is not my first go round with E Tower defective equipment so it doesn't shock me. Thanks for all your time.

see if you can get another copy of windows cd wish i was next door to you i could lend you mine

I'm looking on ebay for a 98SE full install cd, figure if I have to shell out some cash on the darn thing I might as well get an OS that will support my mp3 player. Would love to have XP but my hardware doesn't meet minimum requirements. Thanks for the comments.

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