I have lost my product key. I am using a windows 98 PC, and it has office 2000 pro installed. I have tried several programs to recover my serial key #, but some just give me the Productl ID #, some don't give me anything.

Is there a good program that recovers Office 2000, Serial Key # or Installation Key # from a windows 98 machine?

I would appreciate any help.


try the program Magic Jellybean

try the program Magic Jellybean

I have tried majic jelly bean, but that does not reveal the office 2000 Serial Key#.

I also tried keyfinder.

Did some googling and it appears you cant recover the key for versions less than office XP

Did some googling and it appears you cant recover the key for versions less than office XP

Correct, I did some googling too, for 2 days, but nothing, but I was wondering if someone in here might have a hack or something to get the key. I guess this is something that no one is interested in hacking, nor figuring out. I guess, I will have to buy new key.

The key itself isnt stored. Prior to office XP there was no activation so any key which was valid would work. It was only checked to see if it was valid at install time.

try this program i use it all the time ,but not sure if it still runs on win 98.

It works with win98, but still does not give the serial number for office. I guess will just leave it alone.

Thanks everyone.

It works with win98, but still does not give the serial number for office. I guess will just leave it alone.

Thanks everyone.

then it didn't work ,it should give the key in software licenses near the bottom

like i said, its not possible

office versions prior to 2002(xp) did not store the key as there was no need to (no product activation), they merely checked if it *seemed* to be a valid key at install time

like i said, its not possible

office versions prior to 2002(xp) did not store the key as there was no need to (no product activation), they merely checked if it *seemed* to be a valid key at install time

Oh,my version is 03

its the same with win98. A key will work so long as it passes the check (for a long time it was something like the key was valid ifs sum divided by 7 or something) which meant made up keys would work.

Well, I am marking it as solved, even though nothing got solved.

I know I am a bit late, but if ou go to Ms support, they can retrieve the key for you. she had to do it over the ph for me but it was a weird install anyway. they have an online tool that does it but i cannot remember where.

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