My Compaq S3000NX desktop runs XP Home 2002 + SP2 w/ a wired keyboard. At boot up, the keyboard comes up dead about 30percent of the time. I have to reboot, sometimes twice more, to get a live keyboard. Is this a hardware or software problem? Is there a microswitch (or some such) on the board that I should clean/replace?

No switch that I'm aware of. If you're handy with tools you might try takiing the kb apart for a good cleaning, otherwise, replace.

unplug keyboard and make sure all pins are straight and plugged in properly,could be problem with the ps2 connection on the motherboard ,borrow a keyboard before you buy one just in case ,if its the ps2 plug you may want to buy a USB wired keyboard,but its most likely a faulty keyboard .

Thanks for your response. I suspect a dry contact at the ps2/mb connection, since I've checked the kb and external wiring. I'll have to take the case off and look around.

I suspect a dry contact at the ps2/mb connection,

dry contact ?? ,it maybe bad or loose at the point where its soldered to the motherboard

Yea, that's what I mean by 'dry' contact. (My Brit background showing through!) Thanks.

lol i get it now ,i would just connect another keyboard to it before looking as you may not see much ,also if the mouse is working ok then it may not be the connection as both are usually affected by bad dry connection

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