New at this....have a blue screen with error oooooo7b. It was built in 2000 with win2000. Best course of action. I am considering upgrading to xp or buying a new system. Old system did work fine until I downloaded a BIOS from the web and got a zillion of icons. I shut it down and now won't boot..all I can get is a C: prompt...I need direction

Are you sure you downloaded right bios?
I had a similar problem few years ago, and i just downloaded right BIOS, after that it was all fine (until it got struck by the lightning :-( ).

Are you sure you downloaded right bios?
I had a similar problem few years ago, and i just downloaded right BIOS, after that it was all fine (until it got struck by the lightning :-( ).

That's not helping me...........probably wrong BIOS. need directions!

Well you can try to reset whole BIOS system by replacing jumpers, or more extreme way to pull out the battery for a one minute. If that doesn't do the trick then I'm afraid you will need to replace the mainboard, or get new computer...
(You will find the procedure how too reset BIOS in your mainboard manuals.)

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