
I have two issues with WIN98:

  • When I double click on the “Date/Time function in the Control Panel or in the Task Bar the screen flashes briefly then nothing happens. I don’t see the panel which allows me to adjust the date and time.

  • When starting up WIN98 I get an error message which states:

“Cannot find a device that maybe needed to run Windows. The registry or SYSTEM.INI file refers to this device file, but the device file no longer exists


Please press any key to continue.

When I look in the System folder I don’t see a file called VSHINIT.VXD.

Is there a way to get rid of this via the registry?

Thanks very much.


check system file checker and system config utility in information section of system tools. you may find the answer there.enjoy.

If you're referring to "sfc /scannow" I've tried it. It doesn't help.

I have two issues with WIN98: When I double click on the “Date/Time function in the Control Panel or in the Task Bar the screen flashes briefly then nothing happens. I don’t see the panel which allows me to adjust the date and time.

  • When starting up WIN98 I get an error message which states:
    “Cannot find a device that maybe needed to run Windows. The registry or SYSTEM.INI file refers to this device file, but the device file no longer exists.

I'm not sure about the date/time problem, but it might be a good idea to read my article on Windows 98. A temporary work-around would be to adust the time from a DOS command line using the time command.

For the boot-time error: back up the Registry. Open Regedit and do a search on VSHINIT.VXD. Remove the reference that you find there. That file is part of McAfee anti-virus software. If you still have it and it's current, you could try a re-install. If not, you are running anti-virus software of some sort, right?

no. . go programs- accessories-systemtools -system information and go to tools and take it from there.

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