I recently purchased a laptop on ebay, and when I went to Windows to download the latest update, Windows notified me it was an illegal copy. My question is: when I reinstall a legal copy of Windows XP, do I have to save hard drive info before I install XP?

Yes that would be highly recommended but i think u may not have to go thru the whole reinstall. there must be something you could do to just change it to the legal key, m sure i read it somewhere. But still backing up the info is highly recommended.


Yes that would be highly recommended but i think u may not have to go thru the whole reinstall. there must be something you could do to just change it to the legal key, m sure i read it somewhere. But still backing up the info is highly recommended.


Hello coolraj003, please check out form polices in the keep it clean section ,in regards to chat speak and shorthand ,thanks .

My question is: when I reinstall a legal copy of Windows XP, do I have to save hard drive info before I install XP?

you could tell it to upgrade instead of reinstall and it should keep all your files. Always back up onto a dvd or something first though.

You could use RockXP4 by Korben [or XPPID.exe] to change the Product key [scan and then enter the new, legal key], then let updates check it, activate it. That way you could avoid reinstallation.

My bad mate, i know its a bad habit and i try my best to cut it out but sometimes it just slips out. I understand the forum policy and respect it but i have to admit, bad habits take time to change. Point taken caperjack and will try not to disappoint you.


My bad mate, i know its a bad habit and i try my best to cut it out but sometimes it just slips out. I understand the forum policy and respect it but i have to admit, bad habits take time to change. Point taken caperjack and will try not to disappoint you.


than you ,any effort would be appreciated by me at least .thanks again .

i'll try my best to get as much appreciation from u as possible then....lol


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