Hi - I have a problem upgrading from outlook 2000 to outlook 2003. I want to continue to use the rest of office 2000 on the machine i.e. word. excel access

I have installed otl 2003 both update and a complete install over the top of otl 2000.

The workstation is on an SBS 2003 network. I have been signed on to the local machine as administrator.

On each occassion the install seems to work, but when I try to run otl 2003 the system asks me for licence info. If I re-enter the licence info I just get a message saying I have entered an invalid licence key

Has anyone seen this before?

I have tried removing and re-installing the windows 2000 prior to re-installing otl 2003 package but get exactly the same results.

Finally I have removed olt 2003 and re-installed otl 2000 - it works but I really need to get otl 2003 installed

Are you using a valid key? :-|

If ya are, ya probably need to call up Microsoft...

Many thanks, I've fixed this now - eventually reforamtted the hard disk and re-installed all products. That fixed it!

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