Mozilla is working fine but explorer (7) comes up with a fault and says that the HTTP (80) port, HTTPS port (443) and FTP port (21) cannot connect. It suggests a firewall problem but I cannot work out what is wrong. what can I do?

Not sure I can help with limited details but here goes.........I would first check to see if it is a firewall issue. Disable your firewall program/s. If you have not installed any other firewalls, check in the control panel and click on security. Windows has a general firewall installed. Disable this, and then try opening your ie. If it allows you to open, then the issue is with the firewall. If it cannot, then reply and we will check further into it.

if you disable your firewall and open ie your opening a can of worms.
You will be plagued with problems.
Stick with firefox & firefox has a button at the top so you can view pages in ie for those times when you have no choice.

My thoughts on disabling the firewall is to have it open temporarily-- to find the problem. If it is an issue with the firewall, then it can be resolved...Any user may not like the change to firefox, and would perhaps like to resolve the issue rather than leaving it as is. Your post suggest not fixing the problem. But that is what this is all about. You have had more posts on this site than I have, so you understand the goal. I just want to help find a solution to get that first one under my belt.....

get firefox 2.0

firefox 2.0 is like candy in heaven, but do what was mentioned disable all firewalls,if it works immediately close your browser and re-secure it to a user friendly/protective way

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