suppose i lost my USB / FLASH DRIVE and someone any person got it my USB / FLASH DRIVE , and i dont know about that person , there is data in my USB / FLASH DRIVE so that user obviously want to format my USB / FLASH DRIVE , so is there any software or any method through which that person could not format my USB / FLASH DRIVE , Remamber pls i need USB / FLASH DRIVE protection not folders protection inside USB / FLASH DRIVE.

The unformattable medium is CD-R.

dear what does it means ==> The unformattable medium is CD-R. i did not understand ? clearly tell me is there any way or not ??????

there is no way u can set you flash drive to be unformatable. what midi mean is the only unforamtable media is a CD-r. remember if you can use a soft ware to protect the drive there is a software to unprotect it.

The only thing I can think of is to buy a flash drive that has a physical write protect switch, set it to write protect, crack the case and remove the switch. Why are you so worried about them destroying the data? You aren't keeping important irreplaceable data on a flash drive are you?

A quicker way than cracking the case is to do as Grim jack or cracker jack say but an easier way is to then squeeze a small amount of superglue into the switch!

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