guys could you please help me...this is how my computer display looks. I dont know what happened. when I opened it this morning this is how it looked like already. I've tried everything, i've adjusted the horizontal display in my monitor settings, i've changed the resolution and also tried system restore thinking that I might have changed something in my computer's settings but nothing happened. how do i fix this problem in order to correct the display? Is there something wrong with my monitor perhaps or is there something I need to change in my settings? please help me..thanks

You might try some control testing.....unplug your monitor for a few minutes and then plug it back in. You might also try connecting your monitor to a different computer to see if the problem is in the monitor itself. If possible, attach a different monitor to your computer to see if it is coming from your computer. Good luck to you and let us know how you turn out!

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I once had that problem with a laptop and I held down the function key and pressed the appropriate F1 - F12 (different on different makes) and the screen toggled back to the right display.....hope this helps

My computer configuration is Intel original mother board(845GLVchipset),512MB of RAM(IBMHynix),2.4GHzCPU(INTEL). but the problem is there that whenever I power on my computer there is no display,but display chip generated abnormal heat. Plz help me with permanent solution.

My computer configuration is Intel original mother board(845GLVchipset),512MB of RAM(IBMHynix),2.4GHzCPU(INTEL). but the problem is there that whenever I power on my computer there is no display,but display chip generated abnormal heat. Reassembled my computer 2-3 times but problem being same.Plz help me with permanent solution.

First up, you ha piggybacked a very old thread....Jul 1st, 2008
Start your own thread and supply more information.
"Reassembled my computer 2-3 times" ? what did you pull apart?
"display chip generated abnormal heat" Where is the display chip, on your motherboard or a video card? How do you know it is abnormal?
If I could give you a permanent solution, I would use it myself...
Remove your RAM, clean contacts with a pencil eraser and re-seat in other slot. Make sure that you ground yourself to the case and the power is unplugged at the supply.

,but display chip generated abnormal heat. .

hi,unlike BoB i will give you pernament solution ,because i don't need it anymore , her it is ,it may be to late to for your display chip ,it's time to buy a new motherboard!
or it may not be to late ,does the chip have a heatsinc on it if yes ,remove it a apply some thermal past to the chip and repalce heatsinc ,see if it heasts up again

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