When I start computer, POST screen looks like scatered characters and bios is as shown on picture. Windows even don't want to start. Only in Safe mode everything is normal. Some ideas? Thanks.


When I start computer, POST screen looks like scatered characters and bios is as shown on picture. Windows even don't want to start. Only in Safe mode everything is normal. Some ideas? Thanks.

looks like incorrect or corrupt video drivers[or even bad video card/chipset ] installed on computer

Well, video card can be a problem, but if that is a problem I don't understand how can windows work in safe mode normaly?

Well, video card can be a problem, but if that is a problem I don't understand how can windows work in safe mode normaly?

because I'm talking drivers and not the card itself .and in safe mode windows does not load your cards drives,it runs in vga mode ,when in safe made uninstall the video drivers and reboot see what if anything happens .if it boot to normal mode ,reinstall drivers
did you check and see if the card has a fan on it that may be clogged with dirt or just not spinning

I tried to reinstall drivers, but it didn't solve problem. I'll try to replace card. You said in safe mode windows does not load your cards drivers, BIOS does not load them too, still there is a problem with bios display.

You either have a faulty graphics card that requires replacement (most likely) or you have a corrupted bios (not very likely).
You can reset your bios. Your motherboard manual will tell you how to do it. Replacing the graphics card is most likely to fix the problem tho.

As caperjack said, in safe mode no drivers are loaded and the card is run in vga mode which only uses 16 colours. In normal mode the card will be using up to 64 million colours and the correct driver which places a much greater load on the graphics card.

IT IS a graphic card! I hope it could be solved without replacement of it :( Thanks to you guys anyway.

IT IS a graphic card! I hope it could be solved without replacement of it :( Thanks to you guys anyway.

it may not be your video device ,the bios picture you post has a lot of miss spelling and not actual display problem ,maybe it is software ,trying to see if I ever seen this problem before !

I think RIK from RCE is onto something suggesting you reset bios to defaults

It can't hurt to try.

Reseting bios is first thing I try, of course. Even a couple of times.

, of course..

we knew that ,i have had mumble lettering like that before but not the bios, just the boot screen ,and it was Ram stick not plugged in correctly,all the way.my difference was the computer would not complete a boot to windows ,check ram and video card for proper connections ,
do you have a video card ,or is yours unboard video device

i just reread your first post and you say post screen as well as bios ,i missed that
,check you ram,making sure it is in [remove and replace ] correctly .
also you could use memtest86 to check the ram .

wondering?? why you marked thread solved

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