in the past, I used
"net use LocalDriveLetter \\remotecomputername\remoteDriveLetter$ password /user:username"
in winxp to login remotely and map the remote drive as a local one. When I try to access to a Vista workstation, I was told "Access is denied". I'm wondering if Vista doesn't support this command line, or need to change some security settings on Vista.
I need to login remotely to copy some files from the remote computer.
thank you for any info.

umm...last i heard, you cant connect remotely from xp to vista, or from vista to vista...

do this on the vista workstation you want to connect to...

go to (in classic version) START>>>CONTROL PANEL>>>SYSTEM>>>than on the left side panel that says TASK, click on REMOTE SETTINGS...and under the tab REMOTE...under the line REMOTE ASSISTANCE, make sure the box that says ALLOW REMOTE ASSISTANCE CONNECTIONS TO THIS COMPUTER...

than you can go lower and click ADVANCED...under REMOTE CONTROL, make sure the box that says ALLOW THIS COMPUTER TO BE CONTROLLED REMOTELY...

i hope this helps and works for you...

sorry for not very clear. I do want to connect from xp to vista.
btw, connection from vista to xp works fine. and I got some confirmation documents that vista does support "net use".
i'm going to try your way tomorrow. thanks for your help.

yes i know...i connect from vista to xp remotely all the time...but cant from xp to vista...and i did it using my way...try it...

I connected vista from xp successfully with net use.
these days were busy, I did not get time to try it at office. I brought a vista laptop to home and tried it today.
I used the user, built-in administrator, remotely logged in to the vista business. that administrator seems disabled by default. I tried to create another admin user and use it to log in. It steel doesn't work even all the created users i tried are within administrators group. I guess it should be related with some policy which only set up with built-in administrator instead of administrators group. I checked local policy and could not find them.
thanks for your suggestion. but the remote assistance is enabled by default. I checked on two vista computers and both of them are same. this is the second strange thing i realized. in xp should be disabled by default.
i do not know how to send or add a thanks to a user who's post helped me in this web, even I came here years ago. sorry for that.

ahh, ok...ill try it...i have enabled the built-in admin account a few weeks ago...but havent used it...more the less, i forgot how i did

commented: helped me a lot +4

which one did you forget, builtin admin? in computer management.

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