I have been having a problem with my emachines T6520 desktop with Windows XP. The CDROM and DVD+/RW are not being recognized by my pc. I follweed the instructions emachines gave me for deleting upper and lower filters. It didn't change a thing. the drives didn't show, autorun didn't work and I noticed today that the drives won't even open! I did a system restore from a month ago and still no good. I'm so sick of Xp. i always have some problem with it. What can I do?:'(

you did system restore ,before or after you removed the upper and lower filters , go back to regedit and check and make sure they no longer excist in the registry .
if you are comfortable opening the tower, open and check that the power and ribbon cables are plugged in correctly ,

I did the system retore after I deleted the filters. I also already opened the tower, unplgged the connections and reconnected them. I have experienced many problems with XP but, this has been the worst! I don't know what to do.

system restore may have replaced the filters ,check again and make sure to delete them if present,reboot computer and check drives

I re-deleted the filters and it still doesn't work. i can't even get them to pop open

Also windows help and support center says somethind about SCSI. When i did a search on my PC lots of files with that name came up. as well as nero? idk lol

Also windows help and support center says somethind about SCSI. When i did a search on my PC lots of files with that name came up. as well as nero? idk lol

scsi is a type of drive ,like ata and sata,you are not going to see it in a file on the computer ,when you boot the computer you can go to setup/bios usually by hitting the del key of f2 or what ever ,question is do the drives show in the bios . no power to them ,maybe a bad power supply in the computer

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